Let me help your horse live their best life!

Holistic Health and Wellness

Helping horses decrease pain, increase functionality, improve performance, minimize injuries, and maintain full-body balance without the use of chemicals and negative side effects.

Common benefits that you will witness:

  • Decreased pain and discomfort

  • Increased circulation (Blood and lymph)

  • Reduced inflammation

  • Less swelling

  • Larger range of motion

  • Greater flexibility

  • Shorter recovery and healing times

  • Less anxiety

  • Stronger immune system

  • Injury prevention

  • Detoxification of the entire body

  • Enhanced proprioception

  • Loosened areas of restriction (Muscles, trigger points, fascial adhesions, and scar tissue)

Let’s work together!

  • Massage

    Process of rubbing and kneading the soft tissues of the body

  • PEMF

    Process of administering electromagnetic fields to the body

  • Red Light

    Process of administering light therapy to the body

  • K-tape

    Process of applying elastic tape to the body

  • Cupping

    Process of attaching silicone cups to the body

  • Blading

    Process of scraping the soft tissues of the body

  • Stretching

    Process of lengthening the soft tissues of the body

  • Corrective Exercises

    Process of using exercises to encourage proper body movement


My name is Stephenie Fox. I am the sole service provider at The Healing Stable, LLC. I have always loved horses and tried to find ways to help them since I was young.

I prefer a WHOLE-horse approach to health and wellness. The entire body works as one unit to achieve homeostasis. This approach works for EVERY horse, including athletes, trail horses, ranch horses, therapy horses, lesson horses, young horses in training, and retired horses.

In my opinion, it takes an entire team of knowledgeable individuals to keep your horse at the top of their game. This team usually consists of a veterinarian, dentist, farrier, bodyworker, chiropractor, nutritionist, and any specialist that your individual horse may require. I believe in working together to accomplish the best possible outcome for the horse, even if it means outsourcing to another equine professional.

I offer many bodywork therapies that help the body function as efficiently as possible. They can be utilized for injuries, illnesses, and maintenance. They are all non-invasive and drug-free, which eliminates any unpleasant side effects.

In my experience, prevention is much easier than finding a cure. Injuries and illnesses are not completely avoidable. However, there are many steps that we can take to ensure the health and wellbeing of our horses. It all starts with a consistent maintenance program.

My certifications include:

  • Certified Equine Muscular Rehab Therapist

  • Certified PEMF Practitioner

  • Certified Red Light Practitioner

  • Certified Equine Kinesiology Taping Practitioner

  • Certified Equine Cupping Practitioner

  • Certified Equine Fascia Blading Practitioner

I believe there is always room for advancement in training and education. It is an ongoing process that I will continue for the rest of my life. Each and every horse has something to teach if we just listen!

Kind Words

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