Frequently Asked Questions

  • No, I offer one flat rate session. This allows me to use whatever therapies I believe will yield the most benefit.

  • No, I believe in a WHOLE-horse approach. You have to address the entire body to see the most benefit because it works as a single unit to accomplish homeostasis.

  • No, in my opinion, it takes an entire team of knowledgeable individuals to keep your horse at the top of their game. The team normally includes a veterinarian, dentist, farrier, bodyworker, chiropractor, nutritionist, and any other specialist that your individual horse may require.

  • I recommend these therapies because they are 100% non-invasive and drug-free, which prevents unpleasant side effects. They also assist the body in functioning as efficiently as possible to achieve overall health and wellness.

  • Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is the process of administering electromagnetic fields to the body. Each of our cells hold a charge and the PEMF helps keep the cells charged and functioning correctly. Overall health and wellness improves when all cells are functioning efficiently.

  • Cupping is the process of attaching silicone cups to the body to decompress the tissues underneath. This is beneficial because it creates space, which allows for increased circulation, decreased swelling and removes pressure from the pain receptors in the skin.

  • Corrective exercises are specialized movements that are used to help teach the horse how to carry itself properly and use its muscles correctly. These exercises help break compensation patterns, strengthen weak muscles and rehabilitate muscles after an injury or surgery.

  • The process of addressing the entire body with various natural therapies to help decrease pain, increase functionality, improve performance, minimize injuries and maintain full-body balance without the use of chemicals and negative side effects.

    • Decreased pain

    • Increased circulation

    • Reduced inflammation

    • Greater flexibility

    • Shorter recovery times

    • Stronger immune system

    • Enhanced proprioception

    • Injury prevention

    • And so much more!

    1. Evaluate the horse

    2. Perform bodywork

    3. Complete corrective exercises

    4. Execute stretches

    5. Come up with a maintenance plan